Explore Swiss Arbitration

Appointing Authority

The Swiss Arbitration Centre offers its services as appointing authority not only for disputes administered under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration and the Swiss Rules of Mediation, but also in UNCITRAL, ad hoc or any other arbitration or mediation proceedings.

This service consists of appointing arbitrators, mediators and experts, as well as taking decisions on challenges or other grounds for the replacement of these persons. Assistance may also be given for fixing their fees, holding the deposits, or for reviewing their costs and fees, if the parties so request.

Since 2021, the Swiss Arbitration Centre is also acting as repository of published information under the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration.

Requests for the Swiss Arbitration Centre or any of its bodies to act as appointing authority or case administrator may be submitted to the Secretariat.

Appointing Authority Rules

Swiss Rules 2021

Access the revised Arbitration Swiss Rules 2021

Swiss Rules 2021