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ASA below 40 at the Vierländer-Konferenz
We are excited to announce the inaugural edition of the “below40@Vierländer-Konferenz” which will take place in Vienna on 30 November 2023. It is co-organised by ASA below 40, YAAP, DIS40, and our colleagues from Liechtenstein. The event is kindly hosted and supported by the WU Vienna.
Following the tradition of the “Vierländer-Konferenz”, the “below40@Vierländer-Konferenz” will start with a keynote address, followed by a panel discussion with distinguished speakers from the four represented jurisdictions (Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland). Our speakers will be addressing enforcement issues and practices in German-speaking countries – an exchange on the practice of the New York Convention (“Vollstreckungsfragen und -praktiken im deutschsprachigen Raum – ein Austausch zum NYÜ in der Praxis”).
For additional details, we kindly refer you to the attached program. Secure your spot at the event now by registering (at no cost) through the following link.
We also encourage you to register for the “Vierländer-Konferenz” on 1 December 2023 and its “Pre-Conference Social Event” on 30 November 2023. The “Pre-Conference Social Event” can be booked only together with the “Vierländer-Konferenz” on 1 December. To register, please visit the link.
Please note that both conferences will be held in German.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!
By Nadja Al Kanawati, Daniel Durante and Nino Sievi