ASA Local Group Geneva
Arbitrage et l’Union Europeéne
Geneva, March 2023
Events Details
Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Time: 17:30 – 20:00
Location: Chambre de Commerce, d’Industrie et des Services de Genève
4, Boulevard du Théâtre, Genève, Salle du Conseil, 2e étage
Speakers: Eva Lein, Professeure a L’université de Lausanne et Yann Dehaudt-Delville, Avocat a Teynier Pic Paris.
Summary: The relationship between international arbitration and the European Union is varied and illustrates the tensions that exist between the autonomy of the will that is at the heart of arbitration and the European Union’s desire to guarantee the proper functioning of the common market and the European judicial area.
Intra-European investment arbitration excluded by the Court of Justice of the European Union following the Achmea judgment; the problems linked to the exclusion of arbitration from the scope of the Brussels I bis Regulation / Lugano Convention (parallel proceedings, anti-suit injunctions, interim measures, etc.); the impact of Brexit: so many subjects on which our speakers will enable us to take stock before outlining the future of this complex relationship.
The presentation will be followed by a general discussion during which members of the Group will be able to share their experiences and ask questions.
An aperitif will be held after the session at the CCIG premises.
Event language is French.